Monday, 11 March 2013

Sister's conference

Spend last weekend with a feeling like I am in heaven. It was the best conference I remember in my life... Can't believe its already over. But 2 more weeks and it's Easter conference. Can't wait :)

And  now I am sitting in my room, It's -16 outside, but warm and light inside. Got flowers because of 8 March and really enjoying my time with Valeria because she is sick and can't go to kinder garden.

Monday, 25 February 2013

Life in Moss

Lots of thing happens and time is so short that i feel like its already evening in the morning.
My days are full og lessons, scrapbooking, playing with kids, childrengarden, kids danceschool etc. i am spending 5,5 days in the week in Moss and 1,5 day in Lanhus visiting my aunt. We having lots of fun.
By the way Moss is beautiful in winter and its actually first time in my life I enjoy every winter day. LOVE IT.
Some more random pics

Sunday, 17 February 2013

I am back

hehe. Ok I am still alive. Just had so much things to do that couldn't find any time to blog.  Life is going through so fast and its so much fun, that sometimes I wondering why we are spending so much time in the internet. Anyway I am back to Oslo, having lots of fun, working, studying Norwegian and spending time with my aunt and friends. Can't wait March and sister conference, and can't believe that just 3 months and it's summer.
P.S Some pictures from Oslo (random pics)